moose mountain trail races - bragg creek - alberta - canada



We are proud to donate our proceeds and invest back into the community that supports our race and shows environmental stewardship by promote responsible trail use and environmental protection.  This year, our race proudly supports the Greater Bragg Creek Trail Association.  

Thank you to our friends at GCBTA!


We couldn't offer our trail races to you without the trail maintenance done by the fantastic volunteers of the Greater Bragg Creek Trail Association.  Thank you!

Bragg Creek Trail Association


The GBCTA has two main functions.  The first is trail development in the greater Bragg Creek area in the municipality around the hamlet, not including K-Country.   Their main project underway is a trail linking to Banded Peak School.  


The second main function of the association is ski-trail grooming, track setting and associated trail maintenance (summer and winter) on the west Bragg Creek trails used for skiing, biking, hiking and horseback riding.    


If you would like to become a member of GBCTA please click here for a membership form.  You can also donate to their association here.  Please visit their website for more information about their amazing work at




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